Community Contacts
Get in touch with your HOA Board and Our Community Resource Officers
HOa Board Contacts
Montibello CMPD Resource Officer
Email Officer Sudimack to add your name to the distribution list to receive updates on area crime reports.
Officer B. Sudimack
Our officers informed us that mail theft in Charlotte is a major issue. They recommend all neighbors take the following steps to protect themselves:
Sign up for Informed Delivery through USPS. You will receive and email each morning with a scan of items being delivered to you that day so that you can make sure you receive everything. Click HERE to sign up.
Get your mail from your box as quickly as you can each day after it is delivered.
Make sure to get package deliveries as soon as they are delivered. If you are away from home most of the day they suggested asking a neighbor to grab your packages for you.
If you are travelling - don't let you mail accumulate in your box while you are away. Ask a neighbor to collect it for you each day or schedule a Mail Hold through USPS HERE.